Dental/Anesthetic Release Form

Please fill out this form as completely and accurately as possible so we can get to know you and your pets before your visit.

Please read carefully and sign

Your pet is scheduled for a procedure that requires anesthesia. We would like to take this opportunity to recommend preanesthetic testing and explain why it is important to the health of your pet.

Like you, our greatest concern is the wellbeing of your pet. Before placing your pet under anesthesia, a veterinarian will perform a complete physical examination to identify any existing medical conditions that could complicate the procedure and compromise the health of your pet.

Because there is always the possibility a physical exam alone will not identify all of your pet’s health problems, we strongly recommend a pre-anesthetic profile (a combination of blood tests) be performed prior to anesthesia. The tests we recommend are similar to and equally as important as those your own physician would run if you were to undergo anesthesia.

It is important to understand that a pre-anesthetic profile does not guarantee the absence of anesthetic complications. It may however, greatly reduce the risk of complications as well as identify medical conditions that could require medical treatment in the future.
Your pet is having a dental cleaning today. The basic service for this procedure includes scaling and removal of plaque and calculus, polishing of enamel, and a fluoride treatment.

***Some dental problems (e.g., fractured teeth, cavity-like lesions, and loose teeth) which require additional treatments or diagnostics (e.g., tooth extraction or radiographs) are not apparent until the pet is under anesthesia.
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